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magnificent publication depicting for the first time on a large scale the ethnography and geography of Japan

The scarcest book on American Game-Birds

BROWN, T. Illustrations of the Game Birds of North America Chiefly the size of Nature.

Edinburgh, Frazer & Co.; Dublin, William Curry Jnr. & Co.; Glasgow, John Smith & Son; London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1834. Folio (546 x 410mm). With ...

EUR 38,000

Its plates, heightened with gold

First edition of the foundation of plant anatomy

MALPIGHI, M. Anatome Plantarum. Cui subjungitur appendix, iteratas & auctas eiusdem Authoris de Ovo Incubato observationes continens...

Londini, J. Martyn, 1675-79. 2 volumes in one. Folio (357 x 230mm). pp. (iv, including frontispiece), 15, (5), 82, (ii), 20; (viii, including front...

EUR 4,500